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Using in any frontend framework

Learn how to set up with any browser-based framework.
Import the script in your index html file.

Add the following script tag to the head section of your index.html file.

<html> <head> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <!-- Your Application --> </body> </html>
Initialize the SDK.

Grab your project ID from, and pass it as the first parameter of the H.init() method. Place this method just below the initialize script tag in the head section of your index.html file.

To get started, we recommend setting environment, version, and networkRecording. Refer to our docs on SDK configuration to read more about these options.

<html> <head> <script src=""></script> <script> H.init('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>', { // Get your project ID from environment: 'production', version: 'commit:abcdefg12345', networkRecording: { enabled: true, recordHeadersAndBody: true, urlBlocklist: [ // insert full or partial urls that you don't want to record here // Out of the box, Highlight will not record these URLs (they can be safely removed): "", "", ], }, }); </script> </head> <body> <!-- Your Application --> </body> </html>
Identify users.

Identify users after the authentication flow of your web app. We recommend doing this in any asynchronous, client-side context.

The first argument of identify will be searchable via the property identifier, and the second property is searchable by the key of each item in the object.

For more details, read about session search or how to identify users.

import { H } from ''; function Login(username: string, password: string) { // login logic here... // pass the user details from your auth provider to the H.identify call H.identify('', { id: 'very-secure-id', phone: '867-5309', bestFriend: 'jenny' }); }
Verify installation

Check your dashboard for a new session. Make sure to remove the Status is Completed filter to see ongoing sessions. Don't see anything? Send us a message in our community and we can help debug.

Configure sourcemaps in CI. (optional)

To get properly enhanced stacktraces of your javascript app, we recommend instrumenting sourcemaps. If you deploy public sourcemaps, you can skip this step. Refer to our docs on sourcemaps to read more about this option.

# Upload sourcemaps to Highlight ... npx --yes @highlight-run/sourcemap-uploader upload --apiKey ${YOUR_ORG_API_KEY} --path ./build ...
Instrument your backend.

The next step is instrumenting your backend to tie logs/errors to your frontend sessions. Read more about this in our backend instrumentation section.